How to Hear the Voice of God and The Generational Mandate to Fulfill the Great Commission


Beth Alves shares how to pray and hear from God in ways that fit who you are and how He made you. You can know the voice of the Lord.

From his personal experiences, Jorge Parrott explains how God directs our paths miraculously, allowing us to fulfill profound destinies at our mature age. Then he prays a powerful commissioning prayer for the 50+ers.

Power of Perception


Jorge says the Missions office at Morningstar releases thousands of people into the nations around the world on short-term mission trips. Jorge shares some stories of adventures on those trips. Jorge says we need to have God’s word written on our hearts so that we can speak when it’s time and will know what to say. There is power in our perception and therefore in our reaction to the supernatural. We need to be lips of clay to speak the Father’s heart to encourage others.

Seeing Beyond Our Perception


Jorge says God is enlarging our hearts to magnify His beauty and His love. He shares an encounter he had a few years ago when the Lord told him that God’s love is nothing like Jorge’s earthly father’s love. It is more expansive than we can think or imagine. He also shares some dreams he has had recently and how he feels they impact our future.