Gary Webb expounds upon Zechariah 3, discussing prophetic observations which help the church become a more pure priesthood when considered or applied.
Pastor Gary Webb discusses why God heals, the various ways He does, and includes times of prayer for each kind of healing.
During seasons of change, intimacy with God is mostimport! Pastor Gary gives us several keys to maintain intimacy with The Lord....
During seasons of change, intimacy with God is mostimport! Pastor Gary gives us several keys to maintain intimacy with The Lord....
Pastor Gary gives a pastoral word of comfort and invites the MorningStar Family to seek the Lord in this season.
Jesus, Himself, is building the church which is called to govern the earth by the resources of The Kingdom of God. Pastor Gary shares many different aspects of “church” Jesus...
Gary Webb leads a time of prayer and ministry, followed by a look at the importance of community and how we can deepen our most important relationships—our individual...
Gary Webb discusses how the Lord desires for each of us to be in community with one another. He also shares what that looks like and how we can expand our perspectives of God, His kingdom, and the...
Gary Webb discusses how we need to remain flexible in our spiritual practices so we can adapt worship, prayer, and engagement with Scripture according to God's leading. He encourages us to explore...