Francis Frangipane - Currency of Heaven: The purchasing power of the kingdom of God is the revelation of Christ in us. Uniquely, in the context of us going through injustice, doors are open. Francis shares that each time a breakthrough came to him, he had to go through an offense first. Joseph handled his offenses the right way, and that's why he progressed the way he did. He says that heaven is tired of angry Christians on earth, because we have the example of Christ. We need to stop blaming someone else for putting us in a position so we can die to self.
Rick Joyner - 2012: Rick shares that God showed him Romans 12:1-2, and that we will know how critical this is during 2012. Unfortunately, only about six percent of born-again Christians have a biblical world view. Surely, everything we've built our lives on in this world will fall apart. We have to be transformed in our minds. He encourages us to know the kingdom and its purposes; and our minds need to be transformed so we can see the will of God. A true bondservant will seek to please the Master, and that is the lifestyle of a disciple.
Larry Randolph teaches about the power of the ministry of the father. Through his personal testimony, Larry shares how he overcame various trials and false mindsets through the love of fathers in his life.
Larry Randolph shares on the power that comes when we step into the fullness of Pentecost. He shares how the Holy Spirit is imparting to us the wisdom and understanding to be proficient in the various languages that shape the culture of our day.