KBA Conference Friday November 4, 2011--Roundtable 1--3rd Session


The panel opens by discussing the state of the U.S. dollar. At this time the U.S. dollar has been holding its own, but our economy is doing well by accruing more debt. This can't continue without a crisis. They advise us to get past the fear and panic that is overtaking the world. They share that the way to keep focused and not panic is to think proactively. Fear will paralyze, so we need to spend time with the Lord. They all agree that the Lord can give us wisdom that will bring us through this better than the rest of the world.

Prophetic Investing


Ken believes that God speaks to us about the stock market today. He also says that how we handle money will determine how much spiritual authority we will be entrusted with. He uses graphs to prove that Rick Joyner heard from God about a drop in the Dow and bought stocks as a result; afterward, the Dow grew tremendously. Bobby Conner also correctly predicted unexpected market activity. Ken prayed for revelation in 2008, 2009. 2010 and 2011, and proves, with charts, that his prophecies came true. He believes that God is releasing revelation to multiply wealth.