Gary Webb urges us to become part of “the dove company,” a community devoted expressing love for Jesus through praise and sacrificial living. This company embraces peace to overcome challenges and...
Gary Webb teaches on the expressive nature of God, and how He’s created us to be expressive in our worship as well. Worship is expressive in nature and can be a catalyst for us to release what’s...
Gary Webb discusses how the biblical tabernacle relates to our modern-day worship. He also shares how we can reach the glory of God by going through the different spaces of the tabernacle, which...
In this message, Gary Webb reflects on need for deep roots in our faith. He also explains how having a deep connection with God can help us grow in the Holy Spirit and stand strong even when we...
Gary Webb shares how God can use believers to create change, even if we do not know what God is doing. We have a part to play, but sometimes God shows His sovereignty in unexpected ways. ...
Gary Webb speaks about what it means to follow the Lord, even when things are uncertain. Sharing his personal story, he explains how God can turn a “mystery puzzle” into a beautiful future....