Week 38, 2002

This week we continue our study with Ephesians 4:14:

As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming.

This mature condition is stated as being the result of believers being equipped by the ministries listed in verse 11. If we look at this in the reverse we could say that the reason for the immaturity and instability of Christians is their tendency to sit under only one ministry. In fact, one definition of a cult is a group that listens to only one teacher or prophet. To be effectively grounded and prepared we need an impartation from each of the equipping ministries, not just one or two.

We need teachers to help ground us in solid biblical truth, and impart a love for the truth so that we will search the Scriptures. We need pastors to help guide us in the ways of the Lord, and equip us to help keep and protect one another. We need evangelists to impart to us God’s love for the lost, and equip us to lead others to the Lord. We need prophets for strategic guidance, and to teach us to know the voice of the Lord. We need apostles to help take all of the different parts of the body and fit them together into a functioning whole. From this we see how all of this is needed for a balanced, healthy, Christian life.

Now let’s break this verse down a little further. As a result of being properly equipped we will 1) no longer be children, 2) we will not be tossed about by waves, 3) we will not be carried about by every wind of doctrine, 4) we will not succumb to the trickery of men, and 5) we will not be misled by craftiness or deceitful scheming.

Take a minute and think about how well the church has done at these things.... It only takes a minute to realize that we have not done very well. This is the result of our having not received from all of the equipping ministries that are given to the church for these purposes. New Testament ministry is called to be a team, and any team that is lacking members will be weakened. Most churches are actually missing four fifths of their ministry because they basically only receive from one person. How good would any team be that was missing 80 percent of its players? This is what has happened to the ministry of the church.

Now let’s take a brief, but more in-depth look at these five strengths that are the result of receiving the ministry of all five of those given for the equipping of believers.

1) We are to no longer be children. This means that we should grow up. It is interesting that the author of the most meaty book in the New Testament, the book of Hebrews, is not prophetic. He teaches on such subjects as the Melchizedek priesthood, and also laments that he can only share with his readers, milk and not solid food! Is there even a church in the world today that understands the book of Hebrews which the writer calls baby food? Yes, there are a few, but most of these are filled with people who have much revelation, but very little practical grounding because they tend to only receive from one person. The goal is that we are all equipped to be teachers and to prophesy. We should all be able to heal the sick, cast out demons, and have the wisdom of Solomon because One greater than Solomon lives inside of us! Where is the depth, the maturing in godliness, and the knowledge of the ways of God? We will not have it until all of the equipping ministries are in their place and functioning.

2) We are not to be tossed about by waves. Moves of the Holy Spirit are usually referred to as waves. Could it be that the mature will not be tossed about by the waves of the Holy Spirit? Yes it can. The Holy Spirit is doing many wonderful things in the earth at this present time, but if you tried to be a part of every one of them you would be like a cork tossed by the waves of the sea. We must be discerning of what the Lord is doing within us, and be happy for what He is doing in others but not feel that we need to chase everything that is going on in the body of Christ. This kind of maturity and discernment comes from being properly grounded in our relationship to the Lord so that we know what He is doing in us and are secure in it.

3) We will not be carried about by every wind of doctrine. It is interesting that there is no mention here of these being false doctrines. Like trying to follow every wave of the Holy Spirit, we can actually be carried about and become superficial in our faith by trying to chase every new teaching that is coming forth in the body of Christ. If we are going to be stable and go on to maturity we must recognize what the Lord is trying to teach us personally, sink our roots as deep as we need to in those things,and not chase all the other things that He is teaching others.

4) We will not be fooled by the trickery of men. Paul wrote in II Corinthians 11:20, “For you bear with anyone if he enslaves you, if he devours you, if he takes advantage of you, if he exalts himself, if he hits you in the face.” It is shocking the way so many believers will follow those with a nature that is actually contrary to Christ. Again, we are in a most desperate need of discernment in the body of Christ, and it will only come when there is the balanced ministry present in the team of ministries listed in Ephesians 4:11.

5) We will not be misled by craftiness in deceitful scheming. Crafty is the first characteristic given to the serpent that caused the first fall of man. Craftiness is the tendency to try to bend the rules and get away with it. This is a characteristic of the devil and when we see it operating in someone it is a good indication that there is deceit and scheming going on. Again, the answer to this is what was stated in the previous two verses in this text—the New Covenant ministry is designed to be a team, and only the team that God has given for the equipping of His people will keep us on the track, and lead us to the fulfillment of our purpose on the earth.

It does seem that almost the entire advancing church has awakened to the need to recognize and receive from all of the equipping ministries the Lord gave to His church. During this great awakening many seem to have gone to the other extreme and started casting these titles about too freely, designating some as these equipping ministries that do not measure up to the biblical standards. But we can count on ultimate stability, maturity, and strength coming as the ministries are restored to the church. It is essential if we are to become the body of Christ that we are called to be.