MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #21


Each year on the Day of Atonement, Bob Jones has been given a panoramic vision of coming events. The following is an abbreviated version of what Bob received on October 11, 1997, as written by Keith Davis. My comments are in italics--Rick Joyner

The Coming Rain

I was awakened at 2:22 A.M. to hear the Spirit say, "I am going to rain on the brain of My people."

Each year on the Day of Atonement, Bob Jones has been given a panoramic vision of coming events. The following is an abbreviated version of what Bob received on October 11, 1997, as written by Keith Davis. My comments are in italics--Rick Joyner

The Coming Rain

I was awakened at 2:22 A.M. to hear the Spirit say, "I am going to rain on the brain of My people."

NOTE:Rain often speaks of teaching, as Moses said, "Let my teaching fall upon you like the rain" (Deut. 32:2). Many who become born again do not go on to have their minds renewed, but go on thinking according to the ways of the world. This speaks of an anointing for divine teaching that will renew our minds.

The visions began at 2:22 a.m. and ended at 4:44 a.m. The number 2 is symbolic of witness, testimony and unity ("the two shall become one... "). The number 4 is the doubling of 2 and often symbolizes wholeness, as "the four corners of the earth " speaks of the whole earth. In this we see That friendship and unity led to wholeness. Ezekiel 44:4 and Psalms 44:4 were the references given to Bob for this vision. Then He brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the house; and I looked, and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD, and I fell on my face (Ezek. 44:4).

Thou art my King, O God; command victories for Jacob (Psalms 44:4).

NOTE:This is a year for the glory of the Lord to be revealed to the church, and for victories to come to Israel.

The Color Orange

The color for this year is orange. During the course of this vision the Lord was surrounded in a background of the color orange. In Scripture the orange jacinth was the first stone in the third row of the breastplate of Aaron, and it represented the tribe of Gad. We know from the prophecies given concerning Gad that this tribe was characterized by a high spirit and valor (see Deuteronomy 33:20, I Chronicles 12:8). These are the dread champions that will begin to emerge this year. These will be fearless warriors who have been with the Lord and are steadfast in their convictions.

This orange was also the color of the setting sun. As it is written, "It shall be light in the evening time" (Zechariah 14:7). Much of what has been hidden will be uncovered this year, by those who draw close to Christ.

A Coming Restoration

At 3:41 A.M., I saw the Lord working on a large 1 1950s model vehicle. It was also orange, and it had been unable to function since the mid-fifties. I knew that men had attempted to repair this vehicle but were not able to. Yet the Lord was going to jump-

start this truck and put it on the road again.

While the Lord was working on this truck, I walked up to Him and placed my right hand upon His left shoulder. He turned to me affectionately, even as an elder brother would while teaching his younger brother how to do things. This again extended the Lord's invitation to us to an intimate companionship with Him even as an elder brother has with the younger brother that he loves.

We should also watch Korea, as spiritual signs will come out of this nation. The Korean conflict occurred during the '50s, and this nation will again be symbolic of spiritual conditions.

NOTE:This truck probably represents the great healing revival of the 1950s that the Lord is going to restart. That Bob touched the Lord on His shoulder speaks of being able to touch His authority as we observe how He restarts this kind of ministry (Shoulders often speak of authority because the government rests on His shoulders). Bob said that when he laid his hands on the Lord 's shoulder, at forst he felt terribly presumptuous, but the Lord immediately told him that it was all right. I think that the Lord is inviting us to touch His authority in relation to healing, and that we will find close fellowship with Him in this. The Lord still loves to heal.

I saw the Lord extinguish many little lights in order to bring forth one great concentrated light that will shine much more brilliantly.

NOTE:Bob thought that this year many smaller ministries were going to fade away, or become a part of larger ministries, but this will result in an increase of the light. The emphasis of the Spirit will not be upon the relationship of a father, but the relationship of a husband.

NOTE:The foundation for being a better parent is to be a better spouse. There is grace being given this year to strengthen husbands, which will also result in them being better fathers.

The Lord is bringing something old and something new. NOTE: The Lord will be anointing new works, as well as older established ones.

Bob was then given Isaiah 50 as a Scripture for the coming year. Fifty is the number of jubilee, and the Lord is saying that "NOW" is the acceptable time; "NOW" is the day of salvation. A main emphasis of this text is that the fear of the Lord is going to return, but there is revelation in the entire chapter for this year.

Psalm 98 is the song for this year. An emphasis was on the number 9 and the number 8. The number 9 is the numerical symbol for the Holy Spirit, and divine judgment, while the number 8 is the numerical symbol for new beginnings. The Holy Spirit will be moving this year, and when He does He always brings judgment on the things that do not line up with Him, but this is also the source of new beginnings.

The following is a brief verse by verse exposition on what Bob felt concerning Psalm 98:

Verse l: "O SING to the Lord a new song, For He has done wonderful things, His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory for Him." New songs are coming because of His victories. One of the most important admonitions for this year is to sing for joy despite the circumstances. Then we will see the victory.

Verse 2: "The Lord has made known His salvation: He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations." Salvation will flow to the nations.

Verse 3: "He has remembered His lovingkindness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God." Mercy and faithfulness will be coming to Israel, and the nations will see it.

Verse 4: "Shout joyfully to the Lord all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises." The earth will begin to sing because of the joy of the Lord.

Verse 5: "Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre; With the lyre and the sound of melody." Again, praises to Him will be increasing. We should especially give ourselves to worship this year. New and higher levels of praise will be experienced in the church that will ultimately overcome the enemy. In places there will be such anointed praise that demons will be unable to cope with this atmosphere of praise and will be forced to flee.

Verse 6: "With trumpets and the sound of the horn, Shout joyfully before the King, the Lord." Trumpets speak of messages. The message this year will be the joy that we have because He is the King.

Verse 7: "Let the sea roar and all it contains, The world and those who dwell in it." Seas speak of the multitudes. This year we will see humanism coming to its pinnacle, creating gross darkness over the people. Humanism will rise to a new height and many will run to its soothsayers and diviners, yet they will discover that they will only find answers in Jesus. New Age philosophy and teachings will be presented to people with a greater exposure than ever before. Even so, many will come to understand the fallacy and the weakness of humanism to respond to the deep longing of their soul. Only the Lord Jesus can fill that void within the human spirit.

Verse 8: "Let the rivers clap their hands; Let the mountains sing together for joy" Rivers speak of movements, and mountains speak of governments, or authority. This year God's movements and His government will begin to sing together of the joy of the Lord, and the nations will see it.

Verse 9: "Before the Lord; for He is coming to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness, And the peoples with equity." All of this joy and praise is the result of the Lord coming to judge. The justice of God that was initiated last year will continue through this year, being even more amplified. Even as the ten plagues were brought to Egypt in order to reveal the justice of God, so shall the ten plagues begin at this time in order to reveal the Lord's justice.

The Ten Plagues

The intercessors were told in this year's Day of Atonement revelation to: "File charges against mother nature." When Jesus and His disciples were crossing the sea of Galilee, a storm empowered with demonic forces attempted to withstand them as they crossed. The Lord stood in the boat and rebuked the storm. He removed the evil power causing the storm, bringing a calm to the Sea of Galilee.

In the same way, the intercessors are going to have to stand in the authority of God's Word and rebuke the demonic forces that are empowering many of the devastating storms that are coming to the earth. When these storms begin to approach, the intercessors must stand to rebuke the storms and turn them away. Believers are given the authority to deal with these storms. The amount of damage done by the coming natural disasters will greatly depend upon the willingness of the church to intercede and combat these forces on behalf of mankind.

When the judgments of God were allowed on the nation of Egypt, culminating in the death angel passing over Egypt, the nation of Israel was given a covering to protect them from this judgment. They were told to place blood on the doorpost of their house, and as a result of this act of obedience, the death angel would pass over them. When the Lord sees the blood of His Son on the House of Faith, then many of these judgments will pass over the church.

The first way to turn back God's judgments is through repentance. After repentance we then go to the courts of God to file charges against the evil that is being released to bring devastation on the earth. In essence, we are going to the Lord's courthouse in order to file charges, or to plead our case, not on the basis of our righteousness, but by His blood.

Plague 1 - The Blood (Exodus 7:19-25)

Egypt often represents the ways of the world, and the Nile was the source of its food and commerce. The rivers of Egypt are going to be struck.

This is also an admonition to the church during this year is to be extremely careful of the water that we drink. In Scripture the anointed Word is referred to as water. However, when that water has been polluted as described in Jeremiah 23, then it becomes unsuitable for drinking. Much of the water that is being distributed to the church is not pure, but is the polluted water of Egypt.

The release of the ten plagues of Egypt were like dominoes, with one plague leading into the next. So shall it be in the coming plagues. One plague will actually set the stage for the release of the next. The pollution of the Nile has the implication of the beginning of economic shaking. We will not see the collapse of the economy during this year but we will see considerable shaking that will erode the foundations of trust within people. Those who have put their trust in anything other than the Lord will have their foundations shaken.

Plague 2 - The Frogs (Exodus 8:1-15)

The frogs represented the false gods of the Egyptians. During this plague their false gods were revealed to be nothing more than putrefied flesh and the source of a foul

odor. So shall it be in this coming year regarding the false gods that people have erected for themselves.

Plague 3 - Gnats (Exodus 8:16-19)

The gnats represent aggravation, irritation and frustration. When someone reacts with any of these, they will inevitably do the wrong thing, which will only increase their frustration. Christians must not allow these emotions to grip them, because they keep us from hearing from God. That is why we are instructed to rejoice even in the midst of these circumstances, so that our minds can remain clear and focused upon the Lord, in order to receive further instructions and clear discernment.

Neither the church nor the world will have its own way this year. We have done many things contrary to His ways, and we are going to learn that His ways are so much higher than our ways and His thoughts are so much greater than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). The enemy is wanting to use the frustrations to make us cruel to those around us so that we cannot be the source of blessings during these times.

Plague 4 - Insects (Exodus 8:20-32)

During this plague the Lord made a distinction between His people and the Egyptians. Recent studies have shown that there is little distinction between . those who are in the church and those who are in the world, but the hardships of this plague will mark a true line of demarcation between that which belongs to God and that which does not. There is a spiritual land of Goshen that we must abide in during these times. We must choose between the things of the world and the things that are of God, and refuse to depart from them.

In the natural realm we will see many blood infections and infectious diseases spreading on a new level, some of them through insects like mosquitoes. Those who do not know God shall not be "at ease" but will be "dis-eased."

Plague 5 - Pestilence (Exodus 9:1-7)

This plague not only attacked the Egyptians, but also their livestock. Even as this judgment destroyed the livestock of Egypt, so shall all that man places the "stock" of his life in be destroyed This is also a reference to the stock market and the economic tremors that are coming. The earthquake itself will not come during this year, but there will be many tremors. Whatever the world puts their stock into, other than Christ, shall begin to fail this year.

Plague 6 - The Boils (Exodus 9:8-12)

These judgments continue in a domino effect. The body is weakened from the diseases and viruses that are being released in the earth. Through this weakness in our bloodstream, sores will emerge both in the natural realm and in the spiritual. Boils are sensitive sores that create great pain when touched. So shall many of the elements of life that people have put their trust in be exposed as futility which creates a very tender sore spot in the hearts and minds of people.

In contrast, those who respond in obedience to Christ during this time will be granted a spirit of repentance according to II Timothy 2:25-26. There is power in the blood of Christ obtained through heartfelt repentance and reconciliation. There will be a genuine release of the spirit of repentance among the believers during this year. Many will "OVERCOME" this year by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

Plague 7 - Hail (Exodus 9:17-35)

The Lord is going to release the Spirit of Truth like hail and begin to bombard, shatter and destroy the strongholds of error that have been taught and embraced by the church, which are in fact the ways of the world.

Plague 8 Locust (Exodus 1 0: 1-20)

A spirit of poverty will be released to eat up the substance of the world. Christians who live by the ways of the world will also be subject to this poverty. However, if God is our source we will find shelter in the secret place of the Most High. Those who abide in the Lord will never have to beg for bread (Psalm 37:25).

Isaiah 2:6 was given for such a time "For Thou hast abandoned Thy people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled with influences for the East, and they are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they struck bargains with the children of Foreigners." Spiritual famine is the result of mixing the true revealed Word of God with influences from the East or psychological teachings from far-eastern religions. Much of the philosophy and psychology that is used in counseling in the church is actually the result of Eastern influences. This Produces spiritual famine and death. In some places even sorcery and divination are masquerading as prophetic ministry. Spiritual discernment, and faithfulness to the truth, is essential in the days to come.

Plague 9 - Darkness (Exodus 10:21-29)

The darkness that was brought upon Egypt was so great that they could not see one another, and no man arose from his place. The Israelites alone "had light in their dwellings." Those whose god is not the Lord will begin to experience great darkness. Depression, fear, and defeat will overcome them. However, if the Lord is our God then we will dwell in the orange light of the glory of the Lord. This is the beginning of the fulfillment of Isaiah 60:1-2. Even in the great darkness that will exist in the world, the glory of God will be seen in the church. Many of the things that will be initiated by the Holy Spirit during the course of this year will actually continue for the next seven years.

Plague 10 - Death of the Firstborn (Exodus 11:1-12:30)

The firstborn is considered to be the strength of a nation. This year the strength of those who do not have the blood of Jesus Christ on the doorpost of their heart will begin to fail. These things will extract the humanism and Eastern philosophy from the church. We will not just be getting out of Egypt, but the Lord is going to get the Egypt

out of us.

Other Words Received During the Vision

The glory of God will be seen in great miracles this year, especially among Hispanics. Hispanics will receive a divine visitation and will be shown great favor during the coming year.

Awake, awake, O Israel, put off thy slumber, for your year of Jubilee has come. A great awakening is coming to Israel by the Spirit and Truth. The inherent distrust that exists between the Jewish people and the church will begin to be dissolved as the spirit of unity and companionship is released in both the church and the nation of Israel. Through this the Lord is going to introduce His salvation to the ends of the earth.

The Lord is now beginning the early stages of the greatest show on earth. These workings of the Spirit are preparing the church and initiating what will become the greatest show an earth, referred to as the end-time ministry.