The MorningStar School of Ministry will be starting its second year this September. Our first year went much better than we had hoped, so we are taking more than twice as many students for the second year.
Almost all of the students from our first class will also be returning for the second year course. The second year students have only one night of classes each week in order to devote most of their time to practical training Second year students will help in the instruction of the first year students, do some teaching and preaching in our local congregation, as well as be required to lead a home group. They will also serve on the MorningStar Ministry Teams at conferences and in local churches.
It is a basic mandate of MorningStar to "equip the saints for the work of the ministry." It is therefore a goal of our School of Ministry is to be releasing at least one hundred effective ministers into service each year by 1999. We then hope to see this number double every year thereafter. We know that the only way that we can do this is to equip our students to equip others. We also believe that the true "School of Ministry" is meant to be the local church. It is therefore also our goal to see the School of Ministry incorporated into the fabric of our own local church, and then every church that is associated with us become an effective "School of Ministry," releasing other quality ministers each year.
We expect most of these congregations to specialize, some equipping pastors, others evangelists, others those with gifts of healing, others those with the gift of administration, etc. After a sound foundation of basic Christian doctrine and discipline is laid in a person's life, they can then go to a congregation that will help equip them for their special calling. We know that this will take time to evolve, but we feel that it must be a high priority.