The MorningStar School of Ministry (MSM) has recently been approved by the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina to offer Associate of Christian Ministry Degrees for its two-year program graduates. This is a big step for us, but it is just one of many more which we are pursuing. We want to go on until we are able to offer Bachelor's Degrees in many fields that we believe are important for preparing the emerging generation for its purpose.
One program we are pursuing now is to offer degrees in Christian Education, and ultimately to offer Teacher's Certification. This is because we believe that teachers can have one of the greatest impacts on the future generation, and we want to sow some of the world's finest teachers into every educational system we can. We also believe there will soon be a major move toward the privatization of education, which will ultimately sweep most of the world.
The privatization of education may seem far out now, but it is surely coming, and we are devoted to seeing the church prepared for this incredible opportunity. If the church begins to understand its mandate for education, which was given in the Great Commission, it will realize it is positioned to take advantage of this like no other entity on earth. This is one of the primary ways we will actually see the Great Commission fulfilled, and we want to prepare those who can help provide leadership for this.
Already both MSM and CSCL (Comenius School for Creative Leadership, our Christian day school), are drawing the attention of some leading universities for a number of our innovations and their results. We expect this to increase. Along with our innovations, our goal is to continually improve every aspect of these schools while taking new ground. We want to go deeper while we go higher, in everything.
We are devoted to seeing every graduate of either of our schools excel in all that they have been gifted by God to do so that they are a true light in this world. There is a great paradigm shift in the very perception of Christian ministry. Our goal is to see every Christian operating in their vocation as a ministry, which is the way it should be. Along with education, we will be especially focusing on developing programs to prepare people for vocations in the media such as publishing, video and audio media, etc., as well as the arts which can be so effective in prophesying to a generation.
We quickly discovered our MSM students make some of our very best CSCL teachers because of the life and passion they bring to the classroom. Because of this, our CSCL students do not just comprehend truth, but they are developing a love for the truth, and a love for learning which is one of the greatest gifts that God gave to mankind. We are hoping to see imparted to all of our students in any field a love for knowledge and learning so that they are true disciples all the days of their lives.
For more information about MSM please see the following page of this Bulletin, or you can check our website at, or call 1-704-522-8111 for a free information package. There is still time to register for next semester which begins September 7, 2003.