Week 45, 2013

        This week I received one of the most important letters I think I’ve ever received from a member of my own church. It convicted me of a terrible assumption and presumption on my part. I’m sharing it with you because many others may feel the same. This is the letter. I will make some brief comments at the end:

I've been a member of the Fort Mill church for some time. I was attracted to Morningstar because I felt the teaching was so profound and that it was truly something I needed for spiritual growth. With that being said, I have always struggled with Rick's political messages for a variety of reasons. One big reason is I'm not terribly interested in politics, and another is because I couldn't say that I agreed with some of his opinions.

I am a black female and I am telling you this because while I do not agree with most of the policies of the current administration, and am not affiliated with any political party, I've secretly believed that most white people that oppose Obamacare are closet racists. I say this because in all of the years the debate against Obamacare has gone on I've never heard one really valid point (in my opinion) against it.  I've heard it will raise our premiums, but healthcare costs rise on a yearly basis and at least the people that are without healthcare now will have something in the future. I've heard people say “Obamacare will be the death of this country,” but they never explain how...this is what led me to believe a lot of people are still dealing with racism and couldn't accept the one good thing that Obama was trying to do for the poor and uninsured in our country.  I know many other people of color have felt the some way because they have expressed themselves to me.

Rick’s series on Marxism totally opened my eyes to the underlying issues and finally gave me a valid example of the evils of socialism, and thus Obamacare. All I can say is wow. This series should be sent to every household in America. People need to know the truth of where we are heading with this. It's encouraged me to become more informed about politics. I can't thank Rick enough for being willing to be used by God for this purpose.

         First I want to say how much I appreciate this gracious lady staying in our church and reading things like the Word for the Week when they had to be so challenging to her. That kind of grace is truly rare today. Had I been in her shoes, I don’t know that I would have had the same grace or spiritual maturity to do this. I am truly honored to have such a great lady in my church!

         Next I want to apologize for not going deeper with my explanations when addressing the issues. In my spoken messages or published bulletins I can only go so far, but I must rectify this. This is a problem I will seek very hard to resolve without getting into too much detail. Of course, I have explained these in much more depth in books I’ve written, such as A New America, but only a small percentage of the people who follow our programs or receive things like this WFTW have time to read such books.

         What I have been sharing here about Marxism and socialism I assumed most people already knew. The responses I’ve gotten indicate that I may have been off in my thinking by about 98%. I’m sorry. There are other issues this brings up that are well worth addressing with more depth, which I hope to do this coming year.

         Thanks again for all the feedback I receive on these WFTWs, especially the constructive criticism. I would not say something that I did not believe was true, but I can be far too superficial in my explanations or express them very clumsily at times, and this kind of feedback really helps.