MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #36

On December 3, 2001, twenty-eight Christian leaders with national and international ministries gathered in Moravian Falls, North Carolina for three days to seek the Lord for clarity and direction concerning the critical issues of our times. This is a statement of the consensus of this meeting that was drafted by Rick Joyner. It is not intended to address all of the important issues of our times, but those that we felt to be immediately crucial, and that we had the time to discuss in this roundtable meeting.

It should also be understood that all of those attending may not be in total agreement with this statement in its entirety, and that this round-table does not presume to represent the views of the entire body of Christ. Those who attended this roundtable include Ché Ahn, Larry Alberts, Rory Alec, Wellington Boone, Jim Bakker, Lori Bakker, Paul Cain, Mahesh Chavda, Jack Deere, Dick Eastman, Dudley Hall, John Hamrick, Jane Hansen, Garland Hunt, Larry Jackson, Harry Jackson, Jim Jackson, Rick Joyner, Bob Mumford, Ricky Skaggs, Stephen Strang, Steve Thompson, Larry Tomzcak, Bob Weiner, Reggie White, and Paul Zink.


On the Authority of Governments

It is important for Christians to understand the difference between the temporal authority given to civil governments, and the spiritual authority given to the church. The Scriptures teach that all authority is ordained by God (see Romans 13:1-4). However, this does not imply that all of the actions of governments are right, or God's will. The Lord gave authority over the earth to man (see Genesis 1:28). When He placed the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden it was to give man freedom of choice, as there could be no true obedience if there were no freedom to disobey. With this freedom of action there is corresponding responsibility for our actions. Just as the Lord gave a clear warning of the consequences of wrong choices in the Garden, He has made clear in the Scriptures the consequences of making right or wrong decisions to both individuals and governments.

Though the authority given by God to civil governments is different in nature and purpose from that which He has delegated to His church, Scripture also teaches that they too are judged by God for their actions in relation to both righteousness and justice. Because there are consequences for right and wrong choices, a nation should develop its domestic and foreign policy on a devotion to doing what is morally right and just, if it is to expect the favor of God or protection of God.

On the Authority of Governments to Wage War

Though all wars are regrettable, and it is obviously God's will for men to live in peace, there are necessary and righteous wars. Romans 13:4 states concerning civil authority, "... it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil" (NIV). Because the sword was the chief military weapon at the time this scripture was written, the sword represents military power. It is therefore both the right and responsibility of governments to use military power to defend their domain, citizens, and property, and to bring wrath upon those who practice evil. We therefore acknowledge that the war against terrorism is a just war.

On National Policies

As spiritual leaders we do not presume the authority to dictate such policies, but we do have a biblical right and responsibility to offer opinions and judgments concerning current events and issues.

Any form of violence, threats, or attempted intimidation, of civilian, non-military individuals or organizations, should be considered terrorism. It is right and just that all forms of terrorism be considered evil and criminal. The practice of terrorism by a state, or the willful harboring of terrorist groups or individuals by a state, should be a basis for considering those states rogue, criminal, and illegitimate. It should be the right of all nations to protect themselves against terrorism, and to take whatever steps are necessary to eradicate the power and ability of the people, organizations, or states that are responsible for terrorism.

It should be the right of all nations to refuse to negotiate with, or consider the interests of, any people or governments that use terrorism. Governments that cannot control people under their dominion who perpetrate terrorism should be considered powerless to enforce agreements or treaties, and are therefore an

illegitimate authority. The use of terrorism should be considered either the illegitimacy of a cause, or the lack of a legitimate authority to represent that cause.

Though we acknowledge the present problems that exist between Israel and the Palestinians are complicated, and that there are legitimate grievances on both sides, we especially express our grief and grave concern at the continuous terrorist assaults against the Israeli people, and believe that it is both right and just for Israel to be free to use all available means to stop this violence against her people.

We believe that these terrorist assaults against the Israeli people are injuring the Palestinian people and their cause, and though they may have legitimate issues they obviously do not yet have a legitimate authority that can rightly represent them or their cause. It has been the just and right decision of civilized nations not to negotiate with terrorists, as terrorists are not legitimate authorities. Therefore Israel has the right not to negotiate with any so-called Palestinian authority that cannot control the terrorists that operate within their territory.

We express our appreciation for the wisdom and resolve with which the government of the United States, and her allies, have sought to conduct the present war against terrorism. We encourage all Christians everywhere to pray for the success of this campaign for the sake of all people. We consider that terrorism in the name of any religion is an affront to all religions, and is harmful to all religious people and causes.

On Religious Freedom

Because true religious faith cannot be forced or imposed, we affirm that religious freedom is a foundation of all true freedom, and should be considered a basic human right. Civil governments that seek to impose any religion on their people are violating the extension of their God given mandate, the basic human rights of their people, as well as hindering the development of true religious devotion of their people.

History testifies that whenever the two different mandates given to the spiritual and civil authorities are confused, tyranny is the result. This can happen when either spiritual authorities use civil authority to impose their will over people, or when civil authorities seek to impose spiritual mandates over the people. We therefore acknowledge the extra-ordinary wisdom of the founding fathers of the United States to mandate a clear separation of church and state.

The separation of church and state was intended to preserve religious freedom, not to be used to eradicate religion from public life. We believe that some of the mandates of the courts of the United States in recent times have eroded both religious freedom as well as the freedom of speech of her religious citizens. The erosion of these freedoms in the United States should be a cause of alarm for all of her citizens, and can be as much of a threat to the liberty and prosperity of this nation as the external threats from terrorism.

Government officials should not be considered theological authorities in judging the characteristics of a religion. However, we appreciate the actions and policies of our government to protect its citizens of other religious persuasions, including Islam, from harassment or discrimination. We also believe that this should be the policy and behavior of all Christians toward their neighbors, employees, and co-workers who are of other faiths.

We are nevertheless alarmed by the increasing discrimination against Christians in the United States, and that Christianity remains the most persecuted religion on earth. Democracy, free enterprise, and our system of justice, that are the basis of our strength and prosperity, were born directly out of the influence of the Judeo-Christian principles of faith, and morality. Every present government under which there is both freedom and prosperity is rooted in these Judeo-Christians principles. We believe that the severance from these roots that many now seek will ultimately result in severing the source and life of democracy, free enterprise, including all of the freedoms that we now so cherish, as well as our prosperity.

On Christian Responsibilities in War

It is our conviction that the war against terrorism is in its initial stages. It is likely to be a long, difficult, and costly war. The potential for many casualties is great. Even so, we concur that it is a legitimate war for all responsible nations to wage. If this war is not fought and won decisively so that terrorism is no longer considered a viable means for affecting political policy anywhere in the world, the dangers and casualties from terrorism are likely to rise exponentially with the increasing availability of technology and weapons of mass destruction to terrorists.

We therefore encourage Christians everywhere to exercise the authority that they have been given through

intercessory prayer as one of their highest priorities. As we are told in Psalm 115:16, "The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's; but the earth He has given to the children of men" (NKJV). The Lord knows what we need before we ask. Because He has delegated authority over the earth to men He will not move upon the earth until we ask Him. We therefore believe that it is our Christian responsibility to pray for the protection of cities, regions, and nations, as well as for the success of righteousness and justice in every conflict. In this war on terrorism the evil has been made abundantly clear, and we should pray for the success of our armed forces, law enforcement, and all other forces waging this conflict.

Call to a Wartime Mentality

We must pray that our national leaders, or citizens, not be lulled back to sleep by seemingly easy victories in the beginning of this war. Christian leaders should help their people to convert to a "wartime mentality." A "wartime mentality" requires the willingness to make sacrifices for a righteous cause, and the redirection of resources from luxuries and comfort to war materials.

Likewise, churches and ministries should redirect their resources to the strengthening of their people in the faith, and the mobilizing, equipping, training, and deploying of effective spiritual forces that are well supported. We especially encourage the direction of substantial resources to the support of intercessory prayer ministries, missions, and youth ministries.

Terrorist organizations are usually fueled by the devotion of disoriented or disenfranchised youth. The teenage years are times when the youth are trying to find their identity and purpose in life, which can be very confusing and sometimes, depressing. This causes many to be responsive to strong authority or radical causes. The erosion of respect for authority and the lack of a clear trumpet call to just causes for our youth are making them increasingly vulnerable to evil, authoritarian groups. We encourage all Christian leaders to give attention, direction, and support to youth ministries and organizations.

These ministries and organizations should have a clear vision and mission, and provide the kind of structure and discipline that is needed the most during formative teenage years, but that is not so excessive in authoritarian control so as to inhibit one's personal development. God gave man freedom in the beginning because freedom of choice is required for our development into who we were created to be.

Just as terrorist organizations have built training bases all over the earth, the church must devote its resources for training our youth to impart clear biblical doctrine and values, as well as a resolve to give their lives for the mission that they have in this life. We are called to raise up an army that gives life, not death. Our calling is not to take lives for political or religious causes, but to give life that will shape political and religious causes with righteousness and justice. In order to impart this life that we have been entrusted with, living waters must be flowing through us. If our youth are given a taste for the true living water they will never again thirst for anything else. This must be our highest priority at this time.

Christians and the Armed Forces

Christians should feel free as citizens to join the armed forces and fight under the mantle of civil authority given to governments by God. However, this should be done as citizens who are Christians, and not as "Christian soldiers." The weapons of Christianity "are not carnal," which mean that they are not physical weapons, but are the divinely powerful weapons of prayer, truth, love, peace, patience, etc. (see II Corinthians 10:4-6). These spiritual weapons are given to change men's hearts and save their souls, not kill their bodies. The victory of Christianity is the salvation of the souls of our enemies, not their destruction.

Even so, there should be no restraint upon Christians who feel called, or want to serve their countries in the military, or by holding positions in the government. Though the upholding of truth, righteousness, and justice are always appropriate, while serving in a position of the civil government it should be understood that the God-given mandate is to use the sword, or military power, to bring justice. Those who choose to serve in the military in this way should do so with a devotion to excellence and effectiveness in the use of the weapons that they are entrusted with, as this too is serving the Lord under the mandate of the authority that He has delegated to governments.

Clauswitz defined war as the attempt of one nation to exert its political will over another nation. Though this may have been true during the Napoleonic wars in which Clauswitz fought, many recent wars are the attempt of one nation to exert its economic or religious will over another nation. We therefore acknowledge that there are no biblical teachings that encourage or allow for the imposing of the Christian faith upon others by force or by civil law, and that any attempts to do this are in error and conflict with biblical teachings. As II Corinthians 3:17 states, "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (NKJV). The freedom to believe or not to believe is essential for true faith. Coercion of any kind will

not lead to true faith, but true faith is the result of the free examination, understanding of, and agreement with the truth. Our goal should therefore always be to preserve the religious freedom of all.

An Apology to Muslims and Jews

As Christians we acknowledge and are sorry for the wrongs that have been done to many in the name of Christ by those who have misunderstood the teachings of Christ, especially those who have sought to impose Christianity on others by force or coercion. We are especially sorry for the way that this was done to both Muslims and Jews by misguided Christians in history, or in our own times. This is not to imply that there were not also many atrocities that have been committed against Christians by other religions throughout history, as well as today. Even so, these do not justify the wrongs that have been done by misguided Christians in the name of Christ.

War may be necessary for a time, but lasting peace with truth is always a worthy goal. Though we acknowledge our profound disagreements with the teachings and practices of other religions, the mandate upon Christians is to love the Lord, and to love our neighbors, which includes those of other faiths. We believe this is an especially important time for Christians to extend love, comfort, and hospitality to their Muslim neighbors. This should be done without imposing or forcing our faith on them, though we should always be ready to share the reason for the hope that is within us.


On Islam

Just as there are now many faces to Christianity, there are also many faces of Islam. It is wrong, and a deception, to judge any religion or people group by its most extreme elements. There are many of the Islamic faith that are peaceful, tolerant, and generous toward those of other faiths. Even so, because there are teachings in the Koran that encourage the imposing of the Islamic religion on others by the use of force, and that the killing of both Christians and Jews specifically, as well as others who do not submit to Islam, is encouraged, we believe that it is not accurate to refer to Islam as "a peaceful religion." We also believe that any doctrine which teaches if anyone who converts from the Islamic faith to any other religion is to be killed, should be considered terrorism in a basic form.

It should also be understood by Christians that the "Allah" worshiped by Islam is not the God of the Old or New Testaments, and that the basic teachings of the Koran are in fundamental conflict with the teachings of The Old and New Testaments.

Though we as Christians must never compromise our convictions, we are exhorted in Hebrews 12:14 to "Pursue peace with all people..." (NKJV). Even when we profoundly disagree with principles of faith of other religions, we believe that our disagreements should always be done with the utmost respect for the people of other faiths. We acknowledge, and are chastised by the fact that presently Muslims tend to be more faithful to their beliefs than Christians have been to theirs.

Even so, a basic contrast between Islam and Christianity is the difference between trying to change people's behavior by force, or by changing behavior by changing a person's heart. As the historian Will Durant wrote, "Caesar sought to change men by changing institutions. Jesus sought to change institutions by changing men." This is why temporal authority was not given to the church. The goal of Christianity is not just to get men to do what is right and just, but for them to do what is right and just because it is in their heart. That is why the real weapons of Christianity are spiritual, focusing on the heart, not imposed through force.

Christians must not be duped into believing that all religions serve the one true God, or lead to the one true God. Our God is "a jealous God," and will not be worshiped with other gods. We must not confuse loving our neighbors with having to be apologetic for our convictions of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, or the truth that the cross of Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's salvation from his sin. If we truly love someone we will not withhold from them the most important truth, even though this must always be done with the grace and dignity that the gospel deserves, and not with coercion.

We understand the offense that America has been, especially to Islam, for having "In God We Trust" as a motto, while exporting spiritual, moral, and sexual perversion throughout the earth in our movies, television, books, and other aspects of modern American culture. This is an indictment that American Christianity is a salt that is losing its savor, and a light that has become increasingly dim. For this a profound repentance by the American church is overdue.

We acknowledge that the church in the West has not been a good example of moral strength and integrity in

recent times. For this we are deeply sorry, and apologize to those of the Islamic faith, as well as any others who so grieve over the moral perversion and corruption of our times. We Christians must humble ourselves before the Lord and beg for His forgiveness for our own sin, and the tragic erosion of morality that we have allowed to happen in our times. We encourage all Christian leaders to reexamine, teach, and uphold, the clear mandates of Scripture on morality, fidelity, and integrity.


On Moral Terrorism

The increasing infidelity in marriage, addiction to pornography, and meltdown of integrity and honor, is an erosion of the moral fabric of the West, and is as much a threat to the West as Islamic extremism. It is the responsibility of every Christian leader to stand resolutely against these forces of evil, and to warn of the consequences of such behavior, which we are told in Galatians 5:21 is that "...those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God" (NKJV).

Though all forms of immorality and unrighteousness are sins against God, Scripture states that homosexuality is not only a sin, but is "an abomination" (see Leviticus 18:22-30, Romans 1:22-32). This sin against the very nature of our creation is what led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and its promotion can jeopardize the favor of God upon any nation, and bring His judgment. As one Christian leader said, "If the Lord does not judge America for our immorality He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."

Homosexual activists that have demanded tolerance and acceptance have now become the most intolerant and threatening to anyone who opposes their agenda. The homosexual community demands not to have morality imposed on them, and also now demands the right to impose their immorality on others. This is being done in various ways from saturating public school curriculums and constantly bombarding the public through the media and entertainment industry with their propaganda, to seeking the passage of laws that would deny the right of free speech for those who are committed to family values and biblical morality.

We understand that this moral conflict is heating up to the point where the backlash can seriously threaten the peace of our nation. For this reason we believe it is crucial for all Christians to understand that it is also a basic biblical truth that our God loves all men and desires for them to be saved, and it is a Christian responsibility for us to do the same. Attacks, or acts of terrorism against any people group, including those against homosexuals, is also sin, and a violation of basic Christian principles and truth.

Though it is the responsibility of all Christian leaders to stand up and resist the moral and political tyranny of this rising homosexual terrorism, we must resist falling to the anger, hatred, and other such evils that are a corruption of our own heart as we stand in opposition to this onslaught against the morality of our nation. It is a basic Christian mandate to "overcome evil with good." We must therefore be willing to extend the love and forgiveness that was extended to us at the cross, treat our homosexual neighbors with respect and dignity, and even help protect them from the violence and terrorism that they have so often been subject to.

Even so, we must do this without compromising our convictions and the clear definitions of sin and immorality in Scripture. We do this in respect for our Creator who is offended by these things, as well as for the sake of those who are trapped in the bondage of sin. Though Scripture teaches the Lord prefers mercy over judgment, and that He gives time to repent, we believe if the moral meltdown in the West continues we will suffer the tragic consequences of God's judgment. This moral meltdown includes both heterosexual and homosexual sin, as well as the fundamental devotion to truth, honor, and integrity in all of our ways.


Other Great Issues of Our Times

As Christian citizens of Western nations we should continually offer thanksgiving for living in nations that have been blessed with the basic freedoms and prosperity that we enjoy. This is the result of favor from God that we must not take for granted. It is also right that we see and address the problems and failures that will inevitably result in a loss of our freedom and prosperity if they are not addressed and corrected.

One of the most important things that we can do to insure our own longevity is, as we are told in Ephesians 6:2-3, "Honor your father and mother," which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth" (NKJV). The generation that is now passing away has been called "the greatest generation," and we believe that in many ways they are well deserving of that title. After suffering through the Depression that generation then made immeasurable sacrifices to defeat both fascism and communism. For this reason it is therefore imperative that the church teach and exhibit the honoring of

our elders. We should honor them by listening to their wisdom, as well as giving a high priority to insuring that their last years can be their best years in as much dignity and comfort as possible.

While giving the attention to our elders that they deserve, we should also give the highest priority to serving and equipping the emerging generation so that they can go through life with such vision and purpose that they are not even tempted by all of the traps that the enemy has set for them in these times.

The tragedies of Columbine and other schools illuminate some basic issues and failures that must be addressed or we believe more of these terrible events will certainly follow. However, we are deeply concerned that many thousands of our inner city youth are killed each year, and that violence, drug abuse, and immorality are destroying so many of our youth, with hardly a footnote from the media, and little expressed interest from the church.

As stated, ministries that have an anointing to mobilize, equip, train, and release youth into their destiny with a clear vision of their purpose should be given a high priority in all of our strategic planning, especially those that are reaching out to minorities and inner cities. It should also be noted that at this time few of the great Christian campus ministries are located on predominately black universities or colleges in America.

One of the reasons for the moral and ethical slide experienced by the church in much of the West has been the failure of the present leadership of the church to fulfill the Ephesians Four mandate that is given to the church:

"for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,

till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,

but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ-- from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love" (Ephesians 4:12-16 NKJV).

There is evidence that less than 10 percent of Christians even know their callings, or ministries, and far less are being equipped and released to function in them. Not only is it impossible to grow up to the measure of the stature of Christ that the church is called to here, but it is not possible for the body to be built up by "the effective working by which every part does its share" if the members of the body do not even know their part.

It is improbable that any body could survive with less than 10 percent of its organs functioning, yet this is the present state of the body of Christ. We believe that this is a primary reason for much of the discouragement, frustration, and backsliding of Christians today, a root cause of many church splits, as well as the relative paralysis and ineffectiveness of the church today.

The assertions that the modern church is more like a spectator sport where many gather to applaud the few who perform, or like a giant sheep pen where food is thrown at the sheep a couple of times a week, are accurate with but a few exceptions. It is imperative that this changes if the church is going to be relevant to our times.

This failure to equip the believers to do the work of the ministry is also one of the primary reasons for the exceptionally high rate of burnout in the modern pastoral ministry because of the need to do all of the things that the people should be equipped to do. To rectify this problem we encourage all Christian leaders to focus more of their time, attention, and efforts to equipping those entrusted to their oversight and discipleship than they do to performing ministry themselves.

Until every member of our congregations is functioning in their ministry we have not done our job, and will not be free to grow to the spiritual stature to which we have been called. The most powerful force for the gospel is an encouraged church. There are few things more encouraging for any Christian than to be used by God.

We also encourage all Christians to study and understand the purpose of Israel in our times, which is a

major focal point for the conflict now being waged in the present war on terror. We also encourage the study and understanding of the purpose of God for the descendants of Ishmael, who were also promised to be blessed by God for the sake of their father Abraham. As we pray for the peace of Jerusalem this includes peace for both Jewish and Arab peoples.

We encourage all Christians to continue to stand for the preciousness of all life given by God, especially as this is being challenged through the modern holocaust of abortion, that we consider to be one of the most tragic, cruel, and unjust assaults against the helpless in our times.

Even so, the greatest authority that Christians have been given is not given to just stand against what is wrong, but for esteeming and lifting up what is right and true. We have been entrusted with the truth that leads to eternal life. Let us always esteem this truth as greater than any treasure that can be found on the earth, because it is. When the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life is rightly lifted up by His people, the whole world will be drawn to Him. To lift Him up is our highest calling and purpose.