September Webinar: Sid Roth
Dave Yarnes and Sid Roth
sandy woods

Sid Roth was raised in a traditional Jewish home. Yet, religious tradition failed to provide answers when he hit rock bottom in 1972. With his life out of control and his marriage in shambles, Sid was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Immediately, he began to boldly proclaim Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. In 1977, Sid founded “Messianic Vision” to reach the world with the good news of the Messiah. That same year, he established a nationally syndicated radio broadcast by the same name. In 1996, he began airing "Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!" and the "It's Supernatural Network" to highlight supernatural moves of God in today’s world. He has spent years encouraging Christians through the investigation of the supernatural and reaching out with the good news of the Messiah, “to the Jew first” (Romans 1:16).


Mon, Sep 26, 2016