2001 Special Bulletin #2

Because of the terrible terrorists attacks that came on September 11, which is 9/11, I was impressed to look up Revelation 9:11:

"They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is
Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon."

Abaddon means "destroying angel," and Apollyon means basically the same, "destroyer." Both are believed to refer to Satan himself. Though it may seem obvious that yesterday's work was that of the devil, Satan is sometimes referred to by different names such as those above, which refer to the specific work he is seeking to do in a matter. For example, when he comes as "the deceiver" he is not so much trying to destroy as to deceive. When he comes as "the accuser" it is because he is trying to stir up accusations against God or His people.

It may seem obvious that yesterday's attacks were intended to destroy, but destroy what? Satan went right for the heart and nervous system of our economic system, and our military. If Satan is so intent on trying to destroy those institutions we should redouble our intercession for both of these. America has been sliding into a recession that seems to now be inevitable with yesterday's catastrophe, but if the enemy is so intent on attacking our economy we should pray fervently for a strong economic recovery. We must not let the enemy have victory in this.

The second target of this attack was on our military headquarters. Again, what the enemy is trying to destroy must have a purpose with God, so we should pray fervently for not only our military, but also our government, which was likely the target of the fourth plane that crashed North of Washington. Whether we like it or not, it is the strength of the United States, both economically and militarily, that is presently keeping what peace and stability there is in the world. This is an obvious attempt of the devil to bring chaos upon the world.

How can the enemy do this if God is not allowing it? The Lord allows many things that are not His will. As Psalm 115:16 declares, "The heavens are the heavens of the LORD; but the earth He has given to the sons of men." That is why the Lord will not do things on the earth until we pray even though He knows what we have need of. His people are His body on the earth, and it is what we bind on earth that is bound in heaven, and what we loose on earth that is loosed in heaven.

Again, let us redouble prayer for our country, especially our economy, our military, and our government. I would like to especially ask this in relation to this verse: "The first woe is past; behold, two woes are still coming after these things" (Revelation 9:12). I did feel a strong impression from both of these verses, and I do believe that there are more terrorists attacks planned, probably two more major assaults, just as this verse implies.

Just about everyone thought of how September 11 is also 911. This is an emergency. This has profoundly changed our world, though it will probably be some time before we realize just how much. However, this change that was intended for evil can be turned into good. We must pray for good to overcome evil, and that all that the evil one meant to destroy is only ultimately strengthened.

Two statistical factors about yesterday's terrorists attacks now standout. One is the remarkably low number of people on the flights that were hijacked. It has been quite a while since I was on a flight that was not packed, even over booked. This seems to have been grace even though it is hard to believe and comprehend for those who lost their loved ones.

The second statistical factor is the low number of survivors who have been recovered in the first twenty-four hours from either the WTC or the Pentagon. They were expecting thousands at local hospitals in New York, and only a couple of hundred trickled in. This is good if most people actually were able to get out of the buildings. Because there seemed to be few people coming to the hospitals looking for loved ones, it may indeed be a good sign that the loss of life will be much less than some have projected.

Even so, many yet project thousands of casualties, and there is a potential that there will be tens of thousands. Let us keep in prayer those whose loved ones did not make it home last night. There are potentially many children who are now without parents, and multitudes of families that have suffered a most terrible loss. We must pray for the Comforter to come to everyone of them, and that many are born again for every soul that was lost in this tragedy.