MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #26

It has now been over two months since the tragic massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. There have been worse tragedies this year, but this one gripped the nation like few others have. It is fitting because this one was like a trip wire which has set off a series of events that have the power to define our future.

Shortly after the shooting, I visited the school with a group of NFL players from CAUSE (Christian Athletes United for Spiritual Empowerment). It has taken me this long to process all that I learned during that visit. This is a personal report with a prophetic perspective. Understanding that "we prophesy in part" (I Corinthians 13:9), I certainly do not claim that this includes a complete understanding of these issues. Even so, there are some things that must be said. This tragedy highlights some of the critical issues of our time, and we must understand them or we will be subject to them on an ever increasing basis. Where are we now?

If the real issues that led to the Littleton and other tragedies are not addressed, what happened in Littleton will be only the tip of the iceberg for the violence that is about to be released in our schools and neighborhoods. Schools all over the country have been subject to almost continual threats of violence, and as the police in some cases found out, an alarming number of these threats were backed up by plans to follow through with them.

As I warned at a conference in Colorado shortly before the Columbine incident, "Lawlessness has been sown in the hearts of our children and we are about to start reaping it." For years we have published other prophetic warnings about the terrorism that is about to be released against our children, and through them. The time that we have warned about is now here. Can it be stopped? Yes! However, there is no law that can be passed that will stop it. This is beyond human remedy. These things are the result of a nation turning from God, and the only way that they can be reversed is if we turn back to Him.

As the saying goes, "If you do not change your direction, you will end up where you are headed." We are headed toward chaos, anarchy. People in authority also know that it is very close to being beyond their ability to control. This will not happen immediately. It will come in ever increasing and more powerful waves, but it is where we are now headed. Even so, the Holy Spirit knows how to deal with chaos. He moved upon the formless void in the beginning and brought forth this beautiful and gloriously intricate creation out of it. If we are abiding in the Holy Spirit, we will not be intimated by any degree of chaos or confusion, but we will see each circumstance as an opportunity for Him to bring forth the new creation. The One who lives within us is much greater than the one who is seeking to kill and destroy.

Even so, for Christians to be the light of the world and the salt that we have been called to be, we must learn to confront chaos and lawlessness, seeing them as

opportunities for the gospel and for the Holy Spirit to bring harmony out of the chaos. Unbelievers, and Christians who have been duped by humanistic philosophies will see this as spiritual opportunism, but we no longer have time to worry about what others think. What is the purpose of our faith if it is not to help those who have been afflicted by the diabolical schemes of the enemy? The church must respond to disasters that have brought chaos to people's lives with the only true answer to every human problem--the love of God which is manifested in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Trip

When Keith Johnson, the leader of CAUSE, and Reggie White asked me to go with them to Littleton I agreed immediately. I knew there was something of major prophetic significance that we needed to learn from this tragedy. I was also very interested in this particular group that was going. They were all athletes and black, the primary targets that the assassins at Columbine were looking for.

The other athletes who came were Michael Dean Perry, Quadra Ismael, Leonard Wheeler, Doug Scott, Arnias Williams, and Randall Cunningham. Many of the wives also came, not just to support their husbands, but to powerfully share the gospel at both the high school and the rally that CAUSE sponsored on Saturday night. The wives included Sara White, Trina Perry, Felicity Cunningham, Shandra Wheeler and Andrea Johnson. Nicky Cruz also joined the team to give the altar call at the rally. Nicky may have one of the world's greatest testimonies, and though he has shared it many thousands of times, it is fresh and full of life every time. I have met few people who love to talk of God's salvation more than Nicky.

Friday morning we went to Chatham High School which is now sharing its facilities with the students from Columbine High. When we met the principal of Columbine High, I was immediately impressed by the quality and sincerity of this man. I felt strongly that he was a true shepherd with as great a pastor's calling as I have seen, even though I knew that he was in the right place serving as a principal. Presently, some of the Lord's most effective shepherds are functioning in their ministries in secular positions, and he is certainly one of them.

As we mingled later with the students, I watched as many of them came up to give the principal a hug, and almost everyone who saw him at least waved to him with sincere warmth. When I asked him how many children he had, he responded without hesitation that he had 1,900 children. I felt that he really did view them all as his personal kids. When he was telling me what it was like to see them gunned down and then attend over a dozen of their funerals, I thought that he might fall apart. I knew that he was trying to hold it together only because someone had to be strong for the sake of the kids. I continue to pray for this extraordinary man.

We moved from the principal's office to the cafeteria, and soon hundreds of students had gathered. Because the two schools were sharing facilities, with the Chatham High students there in the morning and the Columbine students there in the afternoon, we met with the Chatham students first. I was surprised by how serious they were and how seemingly desperate they were for answers. The students all recognized Reggie White and Michael Dean Perry, who was an All-Pro for the Denver Broncos. Large groups began to form around each of the athletes, and one

by one each of the athletes shared a brief message of encouragement.

As I stood next to the principal, I was amazed by how every message flowed together, even though I knew none of them had rehearsed what they were going to say. I remembered how the Lord had said to a few of us back in the early 1980s that some of His most important leaders were going be professional athletes. The sports world was their seminary where they were learning some of the most important lessons that the church did not teach, such as teamwork. This was a team! They all preferred and supported one another, each one being careful not to take time that belonged to someone else. I thought about how hard it would be to get a group of ministers who would have done that well!

 The anointing was so strong that the students listened with a respect and silence that I have never seen from such a large group of teenagers. I was surprised as they cheered when the Lord's name was mentioned. I turned to the principal and told him that I hoped we did not get him into trouble for preaching so boldly. His immediate response was that he no longer cared about things like that. He said that these men were the only ones who had come with answers, and were saying exactly what the students needed to hear. He was concerned with one thing--seeing his kids get healed.

It was an exhilarating, but sobering morning with the Chatham High students, but it hardly prepared me for the afternoon with the Columbine students. They had received a dose of reality that is seldom seen on anyone except war veterans who have recently come out of combat. When I first looked at them, I saw teenagers, but with a maturity on most of them far beyond their years. They seemed almost regal. The most regal in spirit are those who are driven with focus by a noble purpose, and that is what I saw on these students. As I looked again, I saw kids who were still in shock, traumatized and confused and who were many times more desperate for answers than the students we had met with that morning. I then understood that I was seeing into the future, and that these students had destiny written all over them.

One by one the athletes took their turn sharing. Since the principal had allowed the students to forgo their classes, the cafeteria and the balconies overlooking it were packed with hundreds of students standing in remarkable silence trying to catch every word.

After the athletes took their turns speaking, they moved among the students to meet with them personally. Large groups gathered around each one. There was no altar call, as that would have been a violation of authority, and it also would have been a violation of the Holy Spirit. It was a time to sow seeds and to invite the students to come to the rally that we were having the next night at the Orchard Road Christian Center Marilyn Hickey co-pastors with her husband in Denver.


The purpose of the rally was to kick off the new movement born out of a vision given to Keith Johnson. It is called JAM, for Just-A-Minute. When Keith heard that the 911 call from the students at Columbine had come in at 11:21 a.m. on that terrible day,

the Lord told Him to call students everywhere to take that time each day to say a one minute prayer for their schools, faculties and fellow students. The Scripture that the Lord gave to Keith for this was John 11:21, which says, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died."

Revelation 3:20 reveals that the Lord will not enter where He is not invited. As Psalm 115:16 states, "The heavens are the heavens of the LORD; but the earth He has given to the sons of men." The Lord delegated authority over the earth to man, and "the gifts and calling of God are without repentance" (Romans 11:29 KJV), which means that he will not take them back. That is why the Lord will not do things on earth until we ask Him, even though He knows what we need before we ask Him. This is why Jesus had to become a man to redeem the earth, and why He always referred to Himself as the "Son of Man" when He walked the earth.

When prayer was removed from public schools, the grace of God was removed in a profound way. I agree, as probably most Christians do, that prayer should not be imposed on anyone. Any religion, including Christianity, that is imposed on others, will bring forth the most perverted and dangerous form of religion. Even Christianity imposed will bring forth that which is more of the nature of Satan than Christ, as history abundantly testifies. Nevertheless, it is quite amazing that the President of the United States and a multitude of other government officials would ask people to pray for Littleton and the students at Columbine High School during this tragedy, but just not to do it in the school! If our government wants to remove God from our schools it can, because the Lord has given them the authority to do so. However, those who have done this must also take responsibility for the consequences.

As I prophesied years ago, the time is coming when officials will be begging for prayer to be returned to the schools. That time is at hand because Columbine and the other recent school massacres are only a few pebbles rolling down the hill that foreshadow a great landslide soon to follow. Lawlessness has been sown in the hearts of our children and we are now reaping it. As we have shared in a number of our previous writings, some of the worst crimes in the future are going to come from children. The children really are for signs and wonders, for both good and evil.

 The JAM movement can be a spark that helps turn the tide. It has already caught on with students in many places and is spreading rapidly. Movements like this can help, but ultimately the church must arise to be the light that she is called to be, having the ultimate answers to every human problem which we have been given through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must break out of the prison of the four walls of our buildings and use the divinely powerful weapons of love and truth with which we have been entrusted to bring down enemy strongholds.


I took my oldest daughters, Anna and Aaryn, with me to Littleton, along with a couple of their friends. I wanted them to be impacted by what had happened there. I know that their generation will soon endure even worse things if some of the ultimate issues that led to this one are not addressed by those who have been entrusted with the Spirit of Truth. As they saw the shattered windows, bullet holes, the sidewalk

where a dead student lay while others ran past to escape, and the library where such terror and death spread fear to other students, parents, and school workers throughout the nation, they were stunned. I prayed that this would stir in them questions that would lead to answers. When Anna wrote an article about this trip for The Message, our Morning Star Youth Journal, she entitled it "Why?"

This is the critical question that we cannot allow to go unanswered. Again, the church is called to be the light of the world, and the church alone has been entrusted with the truth that can dispel the darkness. We must take our stand on sound, biblical truths that can answer the ultimate questions. When we can articulate those truths under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, no one's worldly wisdom will be able to stand against it. More importantly, those in bondage will be set free.

The Two Edges of Our Sword

When I inquired of the Lord about what could be done to prevent more "Columbines," He said simply, "Love never fails, but if the church in this republic does not learn to love, the end of this republic is near." For the Holy Spirit to anoint the truth, it must be spoken in the fruit of the Spirit--it must be truth spoken in love. That may sound simple enough, but in fact the churches, or the Christians who actually speak the truth in love are very rare. I also know by the Lord's own word to me that I, too, am guilty of not speaking the truth in love.

As Francis Frangipane related to me a few days ago, he was so shocked by the spirit in which some Christian intercessory prayer groups had reacted to some of his recent writings that he began to understand why unbelievers are so repelled by Christians. I understood this well because of a recent conversation I had with a leader of a prayer ministry based in Washington. I do not think that I have ever talked to anyone who was not more deceived by extreme reasoning that leads to wrong conclusions. I finally had to accept the fact that it just was not possible to communicate with him and be understood. I still do not even know what we really disagreed about, but I felt that I had been treated with far more grace and respect by liberal and humanistic groups with whom I totally disagree.

Now, I think that this prayer leader probably has accomplished a great deal for the kingdom, and he has probably done much to help mobilize the church for prayer, which is the first step if we are to overcome some of the ultimate strongholds of our time. However, the spirit that I felt was now controlling this man was in fact the very enemy we are seeking to cast out. That spirit can get a hold on any of us at any time, but it can be easily discerned as we are instructed in James 3:13,17-18:

Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom...

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.

And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

If we are going to speak the truth that brings forth righteousness, it must be spoken with the gentleness of wisdom. Presently, the hate that I feel coming from some Christian groups is greater than the hate coming from the heathen. Satan cannot cast out Satan. Hatred and bitterness will never cast out unrighteousness. What the Lord said to the Sons of Thunder applies to many Christian groups today--they do not know what spirit they are of, and in many cases they are trying to do the right things in the wrong spirit. For all of the good that they can do, in the end the damage done to the cause of truth will be worse.

If we are going to get out of the devastating trap of trying to use truth without love, we must measure what we say with the knowledge that "...the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace" (James 3:18). As we are warned in II Corinthians 11:14: "And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." An angel of light could be translated "messenger of truth." It is one of Satan's strategies to get us to use truth without love because he knows that it will never bring forth true righteousness. In fact, it will bring forth self- righteousness that will do more damage to the cause of truth than even the evil that we are often trying to combat. This is why Jesus taught that sinners were closer to the kingdom of God than the Pharisees (Luke 18:9-14).

True righteousness, if founded on grace and truth, will always bring forth love. True righteousness is one of the most attractive and compelling forces on earth. Self- righteousness is one of the most repelling, to both God and man. Therefore, the answers that we seek are not just facts, but truths that reveal the character of God to us and then through us.


Again, I want to state that I am offering the following answers to what led to the Columbine tragedy from a prophetic perspective. Because we prophesy in part, I do not presume that these are the only answers, but they are some.

SOLUTION #1:We must ask the Lord to return to our schools.

The obvious, and true, explanation for what is happening in our schools is simply that God has been removed from them and is fast being asked to leave our society in almost every way. If we do not want the Lord's help, He will not impose Himself, but nothing in society will work long without Him. When the light is removed, only darkness is left. The wheels are coming off of public education, and secular humanism (which is the worship of man in place of God) is the cause. To deal with this issue in the way that it deserves would require many books, and many great books have been written by others concerning this, but Christians everywhere must discern this deadly enemy and take our stand against it.

A scripture that the Lord gave us several years ago for our times was Zechariah 9:13-14:

For I will bend Judah as My bow, I will fill the bow with Ephraim. And I will stir up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece; and I will make you like a

warrior's sword.

Then the LORD will appear over them, and His arrow will go forth like lightning; and the Lord GOD will blow the trumpet, and will march in the storm winds of the south.

I believe that the "sons of Greece" here represent humanistic philosophies of men. As we are warned in Colossians 2:8:

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

 The truth is that much of the church is captive to these deceptions, and much of the doctrine taught within Christianity is riddled with it. As Os Guiness pointed out, one of the leading journals of conservative, evangelical Christians (who many assume to be the most devoted to Scripture), discovered that only 1% of their articles contained even one reference to Scripture! There must be a war between the "sons of Zion" and the "sons of Greece." This dilution of the truth of the Scriptures is certainly one of the main reasons for the increasing ineffectiveness of our message to be relevant to our times.

 SOLUTION #2:Christians should mobilize to stand up for our Constitutional rights to freedom of religion.

 This right is now denied in public schools and many other areas of society. The longer we wait to mobilize and take this stand, the more devastating the consequences will be.

 We must stand up for the truth and the rights that were won for us at the cost of many lives. Even so, we will accomplish nothing if we do not do this with Christian love, in a way that promotes the fruit of the Spirit in all things.

 SOLUTION #3: "Love never fails..." (I Corinthians 13:8).

 A young man in our local congregation related how he was ostracized in school because he was not a star athlete, or a part of the "in" crowd. Because the athletes would hang out in the bathrooms and pick on anyone who came in, many of the students could not go to the bathroom at school. He said that the first thing he did

every day after getting off of the bus was to race for the bathroom at home. He and others often had their money, books or other valuables, taken from them by the athletes. This kid, who is one of the finest young Christian men that I know right now, said that a few years ago he had started wearing a trench coat to school. When the tragedy at Columbine happened, he could still identify with the rage that the two assassins felt that led them to do such a thing.

 When bitterness is mixed with the demonic music that many kids are listening to (which does have a demonic power that can open people to demonic possession) and then added to the hopelessness and lack of vision which opens these kids to the spirit of suicide that is becoming epidemic, we have all the ingredients necessary for the kind of catastrophe that we watched on television from Littleton.

 Right now there are thousands of kids across the country who identify with the two young mass murderers from Littleton as heroes. Columbine lit a fuse that is burning, and the explosives at the end of it are enough to reduce public schools in our country to the prison cells of a police state. There will be a lot of students who use this summer to plan how they, too, can commit suicide next year and get as much out of it as the two did at Columbine. Even Y2K may not have the potential for disruption that this does.

 Only true Christian love can put out this fuse. Love reaches out to the lowly, just as the Lord Jesus did when He walked the earth. In fact, He reached out to some of the lowliest and most disenfranchised people and made them His leaders. We will not accomplish His work on the earth until we learn to do it His way.

 Reggie White addressed this crucial point when he spoke to the kids at Columbine. He exhorted the kids to reach out to the lowly. How could the situation have changed if the star athletes at these schools had used their influence to reach out and help the disenfranchised instead of picking on them? What could have been changed if the kids on the fringes had all been sought out and treated with love and respect? We cannot expect non-Christians to do this, but if the Christian students did it with the grace that we have received from the Lord who reached out to us, soon everyone would see that it is the right thing to do. A fact that Bob Weiner has tried to convey to the church for many years is that both the man who planned the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the man who commanded the Japanese forces that carried out the attack were both educated in America, and both were ostracized and offended by the way that they were treated here. How could history have been changed if they had been befriended and treated with respect instead? Love can change the world. Love will never fail.

 SOLUTION #4: We must stop worshiping idols.

I do not want to point the finger at anyone in particular, and as I shared previously, I think that many churches could use the kind of leadership that Columbine High has, but there was something in the culture of the school that was like a mirror of America in some ways. Some of the kids who I listened to said that almost every assembly was for the purpose of making sports awards, and many of the kids said that if the students were not involved in sports, they were considered "a second class citizen." This is not the fault of Columbine, but sports has become a god in our country, and athletes are just about the only heroes left. However, there are teachers making less in a year than a good professional athlete makes in a game, and that teacher can have a greater impact on the future of our country than even the biggest sports star.

 I was surprised and blessed when the group from CAUSE that visited Columbine started addressing the need for recognizing the true heroes of society--the parents, teachers and the leaders who affect our everyday lives. For anyone else to have said that could have seemed like jealousy, but they said it in the right place, at the right time, and in the right spirit.

 SOLUTION #5:When the enemy strikes, the church must mobilize and strike back many times harder, in the same area.

 Last week Don Potter and I went to visit a creative writing class at a local high school in Moravian Falls. I did not go to teach as much as to listen, and I learned a lot. One student complained that the two boys who murdered their classmates in Littleton stole the innocence of their whole generation like nothing else had. She said that now they all go to school in fear every day, and these two boys "had no right to do this." No they didn't, but Satan does not play fair, and we must not expect him to. However, love is more powerful than hate, and evil can be overcome with good. If the Christians in Littleton rise up and respond to this whole tragedy with love instead of bitterness, faith instead of fear, many more souls will ultimately be saved than were lost.

 Already the tragedy in Littleton has resulted in a multitude of salvations. Someone estimated that as many as 600 people met the Lord just through the activities that were sponsored by CAUSE the weekend of our visit to the school. I believe that many of those may have been rededications to the Lord, but even so, those too are a great victory. There were unquestionably many new conversions as well.

 From what I saw on the students of Columbine, I know that they can have an extraordinary impact in the future. The two assassins had planted over 30 bombs at the school, and if just a couple of them had gone off, it is possible that many hundreds of others would have been killed. As I looked at those students that day, I

thought about the prophetic movie, "Saving Private Ryan." After a number of men had died trying to save this one private, the captain, who was also dying, called him closer so that he could speak to him. All he said to him was, "Earn it." Private Ryan understood: he had to do something good with the life he had been given at such a cost.

 Many more of those students at Columbine had been scheduled for death by the enemy of our souls. They have been given more time for a reason, and I pray that they will use it. However, every one of us was marked for death. Our lives were also purchased at a great cost, one greater than we could ever pay or earn. Every day that we are given is a gift, and we are under obligation to use it. Pray for the students of Columbine High, and Littleton, Colorado. Pray that a thousand souls will be saved for every one that was lost, and that they will all be used to impart faith in every place where the enemy has spread fear.

 SOLUTION #6:Give your kids a job.

 What does this have to do with Columbine? A lot. One reason for the explosive increase of lawlessness and suicide that we are seeing in the emerging generation is because they lack a clear identity and purpose. Because we were created for the Lord and to have fellowship with God who is Spirit, we can never find true peace or fulfillment until we are walking in our purpose in the Lord.

 The Scriptures state that we were known by Him before the beginning because we each have a destiny, a purpose. Finding that purpose is the ultimate drive in every human being, and it cannot be found apart from the Lord. Believe it or not, one of the ways that we find our purpose is through labor.

 Adam was created for fellowship with God, but he was also created for the purpose of cultivating the garden. Toil is a part of the curse, but not labor. Toil is defined as "accomplishing with great and painful effort." In Hebrews 3 and 4, the Promised Land is equated with entering God's rest. However, God's rest is not the absence of labor, but is in fact also linked with labor. We see this in Matthew 11:29-30:

 Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.

 For My yoke is easy, and My load is light.

A yoke speaks of work, but when we are yoked with the Lord or labor with Him, we actually find rest for our souls. It may come as a shock at first, but the child labor laws are a big part of the reason for the disorientation that teenagers suffer in these times. At the very time in their lives when they need focus, responsibility and work, our laws do not allow it. Now I do believe that these laws were intended to correct serious and tragic abuses of children, but as such laws often do, they went to an extreme that can be even more devastating to children.

 I have studied history quite extensively for more than 30 years and before the child labor laws were passed, I do not remember seeing anything written about the kind of youth problems that we have today. I was amazed when I read that only a fraction of teenagers who own a horse fall to the kinds of problems that others have simply because they have the responsibility of taking care of the horse. As the Scripture states in Lamentations 3:27, "It is good for a man that he should bear the yoke in his youth."

 As parents we have the responsibility to give our children meaningful responsibilities and to help them experience the joy of accomplishment that comes from it. Laying around without responsibility is contrary to the nature that we were created with, and it will lead to confusion, disorientation and hopelessness. As the old proverb states, it is true that "Idleness is the devil's workshop."

 SOLUTION #7: Honor our fathers and mothers.

 This is the only commandment with a promise. If we obey it, our days will be extended upon the earth. In a sense, we are all like Private Ryan. A great generation arose that grew up through the Depression. It would be a very special Christmas for most of them if they received an apple or orange, and maybe a ten cent toy. Many of them graduated from high school to go directly to the battlefields of Europe and the Pacific. As "Saving Private Ryan" so powerfully captured, the true horror and confusion of war that these young men and women endured, (many of whom were still in their teens) was unendurable. D-Day was the end of many young lives and a horror for all who experienced it, but for many it was one of the better days in the battle across Europe.

Every day those kids who are now our parents and grandparents, experienced the terror of bullets and bombs that might have snuffed out their young lives at any instant. They watched their friends die every day. Few days passed without the terror of artillery barrages falling all around them, causing them to cower in ditches and even sewer pits to try to stay alive. They slogged forward through the coldest winter in the history of Europe, many without winter clothing or supplies. They fought all day and spent the night trying to keep moving so that they would not freeze to death, often going days at a time without sleep. What the G.I.'s experienced through the winter of 1944-45 was much worse than what the Continental Army endured at

Valley Forge. Yet when ordered to attack they did so, knowing that it would probably be their last moments on earth. Some American infantry companies experienced 300% casualties in just a few months, meaning that the equivalent of the entire company had been replaced three times. Still, those who remained marched on.

Those who read the stories of what the G.I.'s did in WWII cannot believe how they endured all that they did. But they did it because they had to. They could not let the dark tyranny of the times prevail, and they persevered until the victory was won.

The generation of the Depression and World War II returned to become known as the generation who almost never complained. Having grown up in hardship, they learned leadership. They continued to live a life of sacrifice to build the modern world that we now enjoy. As that generation is now passing away, I believe that they are now prophetically saying to us, "Earn it." They have left us with a lot, in the natural and in the spirit. The only way that we can ever thank them is to not waste what they have passed on to us.

Christians are called to be the light of the world. If the world is slipping into greater darkness, we must acknowledge that this is happening on our watch. I am of the "baby boomer" generation that I believe lives between two of the greatest generations that the world will ever know. They are our parents and our children. The Lord is called "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," which means that He is the God of every generation. We need to see His purpose in every generation.

The baby boomer generation is similar to the Isaac between Abraham and Jacob. Just about the only significant thing that Isaac did was pass on the blessing. We, too, have a great blessing to pass on. Just as Jacob came forth with an attitude, but eventually became Israel, the arising generation will have an attitude problem. However, they will prevail in the end with God and with men. It is right to honor Abraham, but it is soon going to be Jacob's time. Let us do all that we can to help prepare the way for the generation that is coming. They, too, will have a world war to fight against tyranny. Perhaps it will be "the war to end all wars."