Week 45, 2012

          Thank you for bearing with last week’s long-winded word. These are crucial times, and the Lord called those “hypocrites” who understood the weather better than the signs of the times (see Luke 12:56). If we are going to be the salt and light we are called to be, we must understand and be engaged in the times. This is why every prophet in Scripture addressed current events, and numerous ones had words for many nations. This is part of what we are called to do but not all of it.

          As I have shared, when I started pursuing the Lord for the “sons of Issachar” anointing, to know the times and have wisdom about what God’s people should do, I was told in order to receive this I would have to do what Issachar did. This is seen in the prophecy that Jacob gave over Issachar recorded in Genesis 49:14-15:

                  “Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between the sheepfolds.

               “When he saw that a resting place was good and that the land was pleasant, he bowed his shoulder to bear burdens, and became a slave at forced labor.”

          I was told that I had to become a slave and do things others were not willing to do. I was led into a second, seven-year period in which I received very little prophetic revelation, and gave myself to administration, one of my least favorite things. I used to love it, but after so many heavenly experiences, it is boring to be involved in even some of the most interesting things on earth.

          One job I was given was the restoration of the Heritage Grand Hotel and Conference Center. When we acquired this property, it had been left vacant for seven years and was in such disrepair that almost everyone thought it could not be restored. It was hard, but it is now a wonderful ministry base and was well worth it. There is still more to be done to complete this job. However, as each phase has been restored, it has marked a great spiritual advance for our ministry, so we are very glad to be doing this.

          I also had to take on the controversial restoration of some people others did not want to oversee. Like the Heritage property, it was costly, but well worth it. In fact, all of the burdens I was given were a great joy to do, even if they were hard. To be Christ’s slave is the best job we can have and the freest we can be in this life.

          The next major burden I was given was for our country, the United States. I have always loved my country and have been thankful to be an American, but my heart and calling were to other nations. Then the Lord said I had to focus on home, especially some of the crises that were threatening our continued existence as a republic. I dislike politics more than just about anything. This has been the hardest thing I’ve been given to do by far.

          To clarify, to focus on addressing current events, especially economics, is interesting and a part of the job, but having to deal with politics has been one of the most distasteful things I have ever had to do. Every time I have to get close to politics and government, I feel slimed. It is not supposed to be this way. Our government leaders and employees should be some of the finest servants, but instead self-interest and self-promotion dominates the lives of all but a few. Those who are not caught up in this may be some of the world’s finest, but they are very few.

          For forty years, I’ve heard testimonies of those who were called to Hollywood to help bring change. To date, it seems that the Christians who thought they could bring change to Hollywood were the ones who changed, and Hollywood has become steadily more evil. Likewise, I have listened to many good Christians who felt called to go into politics, or government service, to help be the salt and light there. To date, it has only become worse, and the Christians were the ones who were changed. Has the darkness become an irresistible force? No, but we are now in a place where it will take the power of God to get us out.

          A couple of weeks ago I was having lunch with Franklin Graham, Reinhard Bonnke, and some friends. I thought Franklin summed up the elections pretty well. He said that if Obama wins we go off the cliff, and if Romney wins we go off the cliff, but just a little more slowly. I concur. No one man, or one administration, can fix the mess we’re now in.

          Our government is dysfunctional almost from top to bottom with the exception of the military. I do think Romney’s election would represent grace and more time, but only God can save us. The good thing is God can do it easily, and in a day if He so chooses. Our only answer is to turn back to Him as a nation. We absolutely should vote, but regardless of who is elected, we must have another Great Awakening in America.   

          It seems that J.R.R. Tolkien may have had it right in how he saw the times unfolding. The proliferation of evil is now overwhelming the whole world, and not many are left who will fight for good, but God can still unravel all of the power of the evil one with just a couple of hobbits if He so chooses. We have to fight for right regardless of the odds or how dark it gets. The courage that was upon Daniel’s three friends is needed. They declared that they knew their God could deliver them, but even if He chose not to, they would not bow down to a false god. It is better to die fighting for what is right than to live as slaves and cowards.

          Personally, I will continue to try to live as a slave of Christ and just do what I’m told. If that means staying engaged in our political situation, I will do that. I feel that I am at least being partially relieved of this so I can return to spending days alone with the Lord each week. I have been told that I have a new commission coming, and I think I know what it is. It is time to prepare the way for the Lord. Regardless of what happens to any nation or kingdom on this earth, Jesus is coming back, and His kingdom will be established over the whole earth. The gospel of His kingdom will soon be preached throughout the earth to prepare for Him. That is the best news the world will ever hear, and there is an army being prepared for this. Since you are here now, you are called to be a part of it.