Week 36, 2012

          I want to address three major thrusts we are now seeing that are taking place in the body of Christ. The first is unity, and this is making unprecedented possibilities unfold for the church. Those with faith will seize the possibilities. We can expect those who live by fear instead of faith to begin fading away. Benjamin Franklin exhorted the original colonies before the Revolutionary War in America to “join or die.” This is now true for the church. However, the reverse is also true—join and you will live.

          For those who press on to fulfill their mandate for these times, we will begin to see a kingdom economy unfold that is joined to the resources of heaven. When this joining is complete, those in the kingdom will have unlimited resources at their disposal. We are going to see the times when God’s people will actually “lend to many nations and not borrow” (see Deuteronomy 15:6). Think about living with no debt and having so many resources that we start lending to nations. Get a vision for it. That is where we’re headed.

          One prayer I have had for many years is to be trusted with enough resources to actually pay off the debt of nations as a testimony of how Christ Jesus paid our debt that we never could have paid. Even so, to get there, I must begin by paying off my own debt. If we are going to help the nations as we are called to do, we need to have our own lives on solid ground. Warnings have come to God’s people for many years now that we must get out of debt. This is a true word, and if we don’t obey it, we will find we have built our houses on sand and they will not endure the storms that are now upon us.

          The Lord said that with faith one could say to a mountain be plucked up and cast into the sea and it would happen (see Matthew 21:21). Many of us are looking at a mountain of debt. The United States is looking at a mountain of debt that is becoming like the Tower of Babel, reaching to heaven. As we are told in Proverbs 22:7, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender's slave.” America is enslaved by debt, and the increasing debt is increasing our bondage. I am praying for the emerging kingdom economy to be able to pay off the debt of the United States, as well as other nations who seek to follow Christ. This is in order to set them free from their present yoke of bondage and make them Christ’s slave—the greatest freedom they will ever know.

          I know this will sound like foolishness to many, but I have been convinced that this is the Lord’s plan for us, who wants to do good for us. If you have an eschatology that the antichrist is going to take over the world, I’m sure this will seem even more foolish. I have an eschatology that Christ is going to take over the world, that His kingdom is going to come and His will is going to be done right here on earth as it is in heaven. My eschatology also compels me to believe that we are here now to prepare the way for the Lord. We do this by building a highway for our God as we see in Isaiah 40.

          This highway in Isaiah 40 is God’s “higher-way.” Jesus came to show us this highway, and now we must walk it. He showed us by His life that we are only limited by our faith and our obedience. There are no speed limits on God’s highway. You can go as fast as you want or as slow as you want. However, the traffic on it must be moving because it is not a parking lot but a highway. How far have you gone on it? How fast can you go?