Revelation Knowledge and Healing / Power and Authority


Todd Bentley discusses healing. He prayers for people with certain illnesses, and also anoints cloths for people to take to the sick.

Bill Johnson talks about stewarding what you’ve been given and it will increase. Whatever it is that we host, that’s what will be released in the atmosphere where we walk. We have been given the privilege to host the Lord.



Banning speaks on the need to wait for God to cultivate us, to cause us to grow, and how it is a process that takes time and sometimes we have to wait to grow and get authority. He also reminds us we are not employees of God; we are sons and daughters of God

Revival Comes When We Realize How Much We Need Jesus


Ten-Minute Speaker: Jahn : Jahn shares how the Lord moved in a great way in his life and completely changed him. He got baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues.

Isaiah Saldivar – Revival Comes When We Realize How Much We Need Jesus: Isaiah says that we build ministries and churches and wonder why the Lord doesn’t show up. Radical means screaming for the devil to hear what we are saying about the Lord. Revival comes when we realize how much we need Jesus in our communities, churches, and families. The world is coming to us seeking Jesus, not our entertainment or sermons.

2012 Shepherd's Rod


2012 Shepherd's Rod: This nation walks with satan this time of year, releasing all kinds of demons, causing accidents, aggravation, torment, tricking, and stealing sleep. The Lord said to bind them, and to name all of our family members by name and pray protection. We should pray over our houses. We have the authority and can take the authority. Don't take it lightly until this season is over. Isaiah 26:11-12 Men learn righteousness through judgments. God showed Bob Psalm 50 (50 is the year of jubilee).



Ten-Minute Speaker – Destiny: She shares about a mission’s trip to the Philippines where she had an awesome experience in the presence of Jesus.

Isaiah Saldivar – Movement: We have so little awareness of Who is in us. We need the Holy Ghost and power to visit us tonight. God used all of His power to pull Jesus out of hell and then hid that power in us.