Faith That Overcomes


Hombre Liggett: Our nation was founded on Christian principles, and the body of Christ played the most essential roles. The founders of America believed in the blood of Jesus, and the Christian history of our country is a righteous cause that we are called to stand and defend.

Olivia Douglas, from CSCL, speaks a powerful blessing over the congregation from the Lord.

Important Questions About Islam


Kamal Saleem came to destroy us as a terrorist, but found the Lord instead. He encourages us to love the Muslims and not see them as the enemy. The battle is against Islam. The Muslim brotherhood is responsible for ninety percent of the world's problems today because of Islam. They are building a country inside our country. They came to be settlers here and change America from within. He tells us that liberty is not free, it was bought with a price in this country under God's hand.

When We Pray-It's Time To Say Something


Hombre Liggett: We should be the greatest pursuers of truth. Our constitution was made for a holy and liberated people. We have to be deeply committed to restoring the principles of our founding fathers.

Bishop Joseph Garlington: It's time to get on the ball. We are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, a lender and not a borrower. We have the power to say something. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Words create worlds and change worlds. We've got to say what we hear (from God), so we can see what we've said. Say back to the Lord what He has said to us.

Leaving A Legacy


After honoring the life of Bob Campell, Martial Ferigo speaks on relationships with the father and the difference between being a teacher and being a father.

Justin Perry teaches about the spirit of Elijah and the last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit

MaryAnne Hardiman talks about honoring the fathers and mothers, what will they give the future children, raising up sons and daughters, and what are we going to leave them? She also shares touching stories about her mother and the legacy she left behind for her children, grandchildren, and for generations to come.