Man Should Not Live by Bread Alone


Tom shares that it's important for us to hear and understand what God is saying. There is a fresh word coming from God; and as we hear it, digest it, and tailor our lives around it, we respond to it in the correct way. Samuel wouldn't let one of the Lord's words fall to the ground. Therefore, he altered or adjusted his life to obey what the Lord was saying. Jesus encouraged people to hear what the Spirit was speaking. He has not stopped speaking to the church. One day, our works will be made manifest and judged. Our conformity to the will of God will determine the course of our lives.

Mending History


Cindy Jacobs encourages us to burn for Jesus to evangelize the Word. Ask the Lord for the harvest and the anointing to win the lost.  If we are hungry for the anointing, people will get convicted when we speak .  God is going to bring full restoration.