Kelanie Gloeckler leads worship with the songs "King of Glory" "Resurrection Power" and "Catch the Song." Rick Joyner continues his message on the Prophetic History of MorningStar. Rick talks about Nazi Germany and principalities, and also shares dreams and personal stories of his journey.
Rick Joyner teaches us that a religious spirit bases relationship with God on religious performance, instead of on loving God. It’s built on fear and pride; and it’s a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit. He tells us that the Pharisees may be dead now, but their spirit is still alive through the religious spirit in that it seeks to put a yoke of legalism on the body of Christ.
Rick Joyner introduces a special guest speaker and Rick speaks on if we want to see change in the world it must begin with us.
Jordan Deal leads worship with the songs "Open Wide" "To the One Who Claimed Us" and "Can't Escape Hope." Rick Joyner continues his series on the "Path of Life." Rick shares on receiving a true revelation of Jesus in the present.
Rick reminds the body to be used to complete Jesus' will. He prays to the Lord, "Let us know You, let our seeking hearts find You, let us be seekers of Jesus."
Rick reminds us that the government is not the answer to our problems; we have the real hope and need to give that to the world. We need to fix our lives and our country by humbling ourselves, praying, turning from wickedness, and seeking God's face. King David strengthened himself in the Lord, prayed, and inquired of the Lord. He sought God's face. That's what we need to be doing.
Join us for an inspiring message from Rick Joyner and for our annual Comenius School for Creative Leadership graduation service.
Today's speaker, Pastor Rick Joyner, talked about tithing is New Covenant and offerings still touch the Lord's heart.