Rick Joyner talks about how understanding the Tabernacle of David will help us understand the times we are living in and what the future holds.
Samuel Gatlyn, Ashlee Hardee and James Brown lead worship with songs including "You are All," "I Will Pour Out" and "Precious Jesus." Rick Joyner continues his series about "The Path of Life." Rick warns of the dangers of both lawlessness and legalism, as both are ditches on the path of life.
Rick Joyner talks about his recent interviews and shows on what's going on presently in the world and America. Rick says that when you have a calling to speak the truth you are not always respected in this lifetime. Rick restates that "Martial Law" is coming to America – as he has been saying for 25yrs. We as a nation are headed towards some of this country's most troubled times.
Rick states that America has paid significant prices for its freedom and success. We, as a country, need to stand and fight for the high cost that was paid for with many lives. There is a need for a new type of emerging leader in America. We need leaders who want to accomplish and are not worried about being recognized.
During MorningStar Church’s recent sabbatical, the Lord gave Rick several dreams. In one dream he saw two doors open to us. One door is a double portion of the prophetic. The other door is a double portion of grace and favor. In another dream, God told him how to do the greater works, and that the Word of God has more power than the firmament.
Rick Joyner teaches that there were many precursers in scripture telling the future of God's people. He also speaks on Jesus, His atonement, and how much we need Him and His blood.
Chris Updegraft and Mikey Morrero leads worship with the songs "Breathe on Me" "Amazed" and "Flowing River" Rick Joyner continues his messages on the history of MorningStar and shares the prophetic words that were given over the years.
Rick Joyner teaches from II Chronicles 7:14, showing how we need for God to heal our land.