Going From Glory to Glory and Victory to Victory
Rick Joyner speaks on turning weaknesses into strengths, defeats into victories, and humiliation into exaltation.
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Rick Joyner speaks on turning weaknesses into strengths, defeats into victories, and humiliation into exaltation.
Ray Hughes teaches about the defining moments and times of transition in our lives.
General Boykin shares his powerful and moving testimony regarding the international controversy he encountered for his faith during Black Hawk Down and the government investigation and vindication that followed.
Robert Rummage continues his message on Hearing God Again.
Rep. Mick Mulvaney speaks on current politics as the ten minute speaker.
Kamran Yaraei gives his testimony as a former shiite muslim who has had an encounter with Jesus Christ. Kamran and Suzy pray a prayer of blessing over America.
David Vallier leads worship and Rick Joyner continues into part five of, "The Army of God" series. Join us for learning about the coming times, being prepared, and practicing listening to the Holy Spirit's leading.
Josh Baldwin and Jenny Embry lead a powerful morning of worship with songs like They That Wait, Wildfire, and Praises. Tom Hardiman and Brad McClendon discuss the signs of the end times with Bob Jones.
Rick Joyner teaches part two on healing the land and the importance of knowing who Jesus really is.