School of the Spirit Service Video

Redemptive Clues in Cities


Tom shares that Jesus is in heaven still building His church and making fishers of men. The gates of hell will not prevail against it; and the blueprint of the church has victory stamped all over it. He tells us that we need to raise up armies that will take regions. He uses the story of building the Brooklyn Bridge to illustrate the spiritual building of cities.

Healing Jesus pt. 5


How busy are we?
Brad shows how we have to stop everything and realize who Jesus is and that He's always there. The enemy uses our busy schedules to cause us to miss our daily visitations from the Lord. Nothing is important except His presence. If we don't have His literal, manifest presence we don't have anything. And people won't recognize Him in us if we haven't been spending time with Him. All He is looking for is people who are looking for Him.

Healing Jesus


Amber and Bethany lead us into August from our monthly sabbatical with heart-felt worship. Brad then divulges his interpretation of tapping into The Lord's heart. He also denotes details of The Lord's character when he heard and saw people in distress, which pulled him to help. Brad also touches on what it really feels like when The Lord enters the room.

Season of Freedom


Jacob Stone – Ten-Minute Speaker: Jacob is an MSU intern and he shares about having a renewed mind. He came down with an eye infection fifteen months ago, and he tells us how the Lord has been there for him faithfully; and how the problems he’s experienced have shaped him into God’s image.

Nathan Scott – Season of Freedom: Nathan uses various scriptures to show that difficulty can produce hope and position us for promotion. In that place of feeling void and chaotic, if we can see the Lord, we can have a solid foundation to stand on.