Leaving A Legacy


After honoring the life of Bob Campell, Martial Ferigo speaks on relationships with the father and the difference between being a teacher and being a father.

Justin Perry teaches about the spirit of Elijah and the last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit

MaryAnne Hardiman talks about honoring the fathers and mothers, what will they give the future children, raising up sons and daughters, and what are we going to leave them? She also shares touching stories about her mother and the legacy she left behind for her children, grandchildren, and for generations to come. 

Prophetic Investing


Ken believes that God speaks to us about the stock market today. He also says that how we handle money will determine how much spiritual authority we will be entrusted with. He uses graphs to prove that Rick Joyner heard from God about a drop in the Dow and bought stocks as a result; afterward, the Dow grew tremendously. Bobby Conner also correctly predicted unexpected market activity. Ken prayed for revelation in 2008, 2009. 2010 and 2011, and proves, with charts, that his prophecies came true. He believes that God is releasing revelation to multiply wealth.